Green Life Ski & Spa Resort Bansko i Blagoevgrad

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BulgarienGreen Life Ski & Spa Resort Bansko


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5, ulitsa "Kosherinata", 2770, Blagoevgrad, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 840 0044
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.8193501, Longitude: 23.4778345

kommentar 5

  • Tammy Holliday

    Tammy Holliday


    We normally dont treat ourselves. When we travel anywhere we choose backpackers and B&Bs. However this was the perfect place for a real R&R- wow! The breakfast included is phenomenal with a wide variety of things to choose from, even for children. There are 4 different Sauna options and a heated pool. Massages cost extra but the masuse is great and does a wonderful job. She does not speak English, so it's important to explain to another staff member if you have a special request. Most rooms have views of the mountains and room service is available. Yay!

  • katerina Tr

    katerina Tr


    Nice place with parking space. The breakfast needs some improvement but the spa facilities were pretty nice for its prices.

  • Manuel Kalaentzis

    Manuel Kalaentzis


    Fair prices and nice view of bansko. Also has a bus that takes you to the ski lifts. The staff just needs to be a little more polite and careful, i was gonna take a nap at 15.00 o'clock and the room attendants were shouting next door and putting on vacuum cleaner, really? All in all, decent hotel

  • Burak Yagmur

    Burak Yagmur


    The property and cleanliness is very nice. Rooms are large and have good views of the mountains. Food is good with enough choices for a stay of 4-5 days. Parking area is big and available. It is not walking distance to Gondola which takes you up to the lifts. You either take the hotel shuttle (schedule and double confirm with reception) or drive to Gondola. If there is not heavy snow you can also drive to the lifts. Beds are not comfortable and Some staff is not always Nice. Overall I would go again. Price to value is good.

  • Murat Altın

    Murat Altın


    It is located a little out side the village bit if you travel with car and child it is a great choice with big garden. Rooms are a little bit old but clean food quality iş great. The stuff is nice but dış not give detailed information about the ski center and other things.

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