MPM Hotel Sport i Bansko

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienMPM Hotel Sport


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100, "Pirin" Str., 2770, Bansko, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 444 0440
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Latitude: 41.8248805, Longitude: 23.4775036

kommentar 5

  • Marija Janjic

    Marija Janjic


    Good location near the ski gondola. Accommodation is ok, the food is good and staff is helpful

  • Cristian Orzan

    Cristian Orzan


    Awesome... very good restaurant and bar, also have a 5 stars spa , located a 50 meters at the sky road and 200 metres from gondola

  • Ilia Pokrass

    Ilia Pokrass


    Very Nice hotel, close to the gondola (200 meter). Has a nice pool and souna, can order a treatment from the spa for extra charge Very close to restaurants and other Bansko facilities

  • Din Carmon

    Din Carmon


    Advantages: -Close to gondola. -cleaned good the room. -great bath and restroom -nice view to the ski road and a balcony -Good food. -Nice and friendly service. -Great spa and a good cheap massage -a ski room located good -a lot of Israelis tourists (including me :) ) Disadvantages: -Didn't allow more than two keys (we lost one and it was annoying to be sent to the room each time with some worker to open for you). -did not allow ski boots in the lobby (however it can be thought of as an advantage) -we were of group of 4 and 3. We stayed in far from each other. (We probably should have asked in advance) -not the best massage of my life -ski room a bit crowded Thank you, mpm hotel! Had a lovely time!

  • Chris Williams

    Chris Williams


    A great hotel. Rooms were good, i enjoyed the food, but then again im not a picky eater. Nice lounge area downstairs. A good ski locker underneath. A good pool and spa area. Most import, access to the slope leading to the gondola. A plus side to skiing back down and my tip is a drink in the last bar before the hotel, nice and quiet.

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