Apart-hotel Casa Karina Casa Karina i Bansko

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BulgarienApart-hotel Casa Karina Casa Karina



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Kralev dvor 5, 2770 кв. Грамадето, Bansko, Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 451 9400
internet side: bansko-casakarina.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.8249199, Longitude: 23.4791115

kommentar 5

  • Gary Nelson

    Gary Nelson


    Lovely hotel. Good facility's with a great pool and sauna, steam room. All off the staff have a good attitude and where very helpful. Wide variety of food in restraunt.

  • Sergey Tripalin

    Sergey Tripalin


    Good food, friendly client oriented stuff. Animation team spoke different languages. Good place to stay with the kids.

  • Michal Cohen

    Michal Cohen


    Helpful staff (Musi is awesome!), decent food, nice rooms, good Sauna. House keeping is not that good. Facilities are problematic, a lot of things are broken / not available and so. Notice that the "all included" deal does not include a lot of things.

  • Polina Pesheva

    Polina Pesheva


    Very nice spa and ski hotel! Kids and family friendly. Good location near the Gondola. Great food. Nice staff.

  • Tom Forrest

    Tom Forrest


    A nice friendly hotel. The staff are amazing. The food is really good too. It was only small things that stopped this from being 5 star rating. We were in one of the apartments. There was no cutlery or plates etc. Small things like the bathroom shelf was hanging off and could so easily have been fixed. The hotel is very warm but the stairwells where the lifts are , are cold. This is very noticeable when you come from the spa. The spa is very nice But it does need some maintenance. The ladders into the pool are very lose. The tiles all around the pool are very slippery. We saw 2 people fall because of the tiles. The sauna and steam room are great as is the massage service. The people who work in the spa are very nice. There is a room where you leave skis and boots. This is very good and the concierge is very helpful. He is very good at helping remove boots for children. It is a great hotel that needs a bit of TLC but the staff are first rate. There is a ski hire shop next door with good equipment and great prices. The guys there are also very helpful.

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