Saint George Palace Aparthotel Bansko i Bansko

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BulgarienSaint George Palace Aparthotel Bansko



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Str, ulitsa "Kosherinata", 2770, Bansko, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 74 982 424
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Latitude: 41.8178, Longitude: 23.475815

kommentar 5

  • Christie Riley

    Christie Riley


    Fantastic stay with you thank you very much ideally situated, great facilities, spa /pool area lovely and relaxing especially needed after long days skiing! Special thanks to Nicky in the ski hire room that guy was excellent all week.

  • Sharon Baillie

    Sharon Baillie


    Lovely hotel with great facilities. Food could've been better though. Hence the 4 stars instead of 5.

  • Spyros Papanikolaou

    Spyros Papanikolaou


    The negative ones are: 1. There was no porter to help us with the transfer of luggage to our rooms. 2. The storage area of ​​our gear was well distant from the point of departure of the bus. 3. The temperature in the storage area of ​​the gear was cold. 4. The bus was small and did not have a special storage for the gear. 5. The bus routes were not so frequent and there was waiting. 6. The point of departure of the bus from the gondola was different from that of the arrival, resulting in confusion. We searched the bus for an hour. 7. The spa area was quite cold, especially after 6 pm. 8. Cleaning the bathroom was inadequate. 9. Sound insulation in the rooms was inadequate. Positive is the comfort and decoration of the rooms, the variety and quality of the food.

  • Godfrey Oguike

    Godfrey Oguike


    Stayed 9 nights, took a 2 bedroom apartment self catered. The apartment itself looks great, clean and had everything apart from having to pay extra for pots and pans and no microwave a dish washer but no tablets and no toaster. The restaurant is poor, I wouldn't eat there again. I thought the spa was quite good. The gym is small but usable. stuff are friendly and helpful.

  • Vanya Anguelova

    Vanya Anguelova


    New clean spacious! Wonderful one bedroom and two bedroom apartments with fully equipped kitchen. Very nice view as the hotel is on a hill. Great food in the restaurant, also excellent breakfast, just need to include espresso. Very polite staff. Good sized swimming pool. Very pleasant inner yard to have a drink. Close to the ski tracks.

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