Veziova House i Bansko

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienVeziova House


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79, "Pirin" Str., 2770, Bansko, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 754 2399
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Latitude: 41.8301627, Longitude: 23.4810528

kommentar 5

  • Jens Christian Andersen

    Jens Christian Andersen


    Homey hotel with good restaurant. Great value for money. 10 minutes walk to the gondola.

  • Maxim Evseev

    Maxim Evseev


    Good, delicious food, great quality. Nice interior and good value for money. A lot of choice. One minus: we ordered grilled pork on a stick, but got chicken. It was the same price, but still, definitely something worth telling.

  • Mandy Keyte

    Mandy Keyte


    Lovely and clean. Would have been 5 stars but for the shower just can't get the temperature right




    Very bad food, The chicken was burnt outside and raw inside, it seems that they haven’t clean their grill for ages so the chicken was almost brown - burnt. The sausage and the pork were under cooked. The fried cheese was smelling fish as they possibly fry it on the same Oil with fish. The fries were twice fried as there were dark brown. Left us with a very bad experience they didn’t even apologize even if we complaint to them. Maybe is the worst food in a restaurant I have ever tried. We are very disappointed that we picked this restaurant for our lunch. I hope they will go through few basic hygiene rules in the future.

  • Liviu Varlam

    Liviu Varlam


    Had a tripe soup and it was great, but what followed was absolutely dreadful. I went for the rabbit. I could taste that it was microwaved and it was very dry. I told that to the waiter and he took it back. He brought a new one (might have been the same one cut into smaller pieces), but a bit cooked in some sauce. The same dry microwaved dish on the inside, looking a bit better thanks to the sauce - just as inedible. Still got to pay for it, so that's great at least. Eating here is a gamble.

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