Belvedere Holiday Club i Bansko

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienBelvedere Holiday Club


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99, ulitsa "Yavor", 2770, Bansko, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 799 9437
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.83086, Longitude: 23.476532

kommentar 5

  • Shelly Birenbaum

    Shelly Birenbaum


    Nice hotel, very close to the gondola and to the city center. The old city is very nice to visit , with small coffee shop and special stores. I liked bansko and the hotel as well.

  • בר מיליאבסקי

    בר מיליאבסקי


    Good for the price. They have all the facilities you need and the rooms are nice. We didn't get room service while we couldn't get supplies to clean our dishes (after we asked for them). The placing is not bad, it's a 10 minutes walk from the gondola, and pirin street.

  • Stephen Todd

    Stephen Todd


    The cleaning of the rooms and general facility was immaculate. The food I can't complain as some do as I expect it to be as the locals eat, and they try to accommodate every taste with a variety of tastes. The apartment was immaculate everytime we come back from a days skiing although, the fittings (taps, sockets, switches) in the apartment gave impression that they were just thrown in, and could've been a hazard! I would return!

  • Rory Flanagan

    Rory Flanagan


    Great location for ski slopes. Good facilities, swimming pool, sauna,jacuzzi.. lovely couple run the bar. Helpful reception staff.

  • Samual Duncan

    Samual Duncan


    You need to stay here! Its an amazing place.. Appartment hotel.. Has everything.. Pool, sauna, spa, jacuzzi, massages, gym, laundry service, bar! So close to slopes and the main high street and the old town an easy stroll We have been here for 4 weeks and it really gets the highest rating I can give it Both thumbs UP 👍👍

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