Aparthotel Aspen i Blagoevgrad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienAparthotel Aspen


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8, ulitsa "Strazhite", 2770, Blagoevgrad, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 74 982 093
internet side: www.aparthotelaspen.com
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Latitude: 41.8255206, Longitude: 23.4798358

kommentar 5

  • Dragos Coman

    Dragos Coman


    The hotel is nice It is hot in the room The pool and the sauna are a vey nice addition The only thing that they should improve is the food choices which is very poor

  • Galya Titova

    Galya Titova


    At the end of the season everything was broken. Chairs in the room, water heaters, tosters for the breakfast. The pool looked like it hasn't been cleaned since the last season.

  • Moschos Koupoukis

    Moschos Koupoukis


    Nice and cheap hotel near the ski lifts. But don’t expect too much, no plates no spoons no glasses in the kitchen, old furniture and outdated decoration. But for a weekend it’s ok at 30 Euro per night for the double room

  • Dimitar Georgiev

    Dimitar Georgiev


    Excellent location, friendly staff, underground parking, good breakfast, not expensive! Recommended

  • Aurelian Schnautzer

    Aurelian Schnautzer


    Aspen 2 apartment's building have a very good position in Bansko, near to the gondola, shoppings and restaurants but also very quiet. Have a great mountain view also. The apartments are spacious, with well equipped kitchenette, and good quality furniture. The host is a great guy and a very helpful person.

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