Uniqato Boutique Hotel i Bansko

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienUniqato Boutique Hotel



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119, "Pirin" Str., 2770, Bansko, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 462 1109
internet side: www.uniqatobansko.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.8258539, Longitude: 23.4785745

kommentar 5

  • hugues carpentier

    hugues carpentier


    Large modern suites, fireplace ready to roar, underground parking, Victoria restaurant on ground floor, reservation long in advance needed

  • Anastasia Papachristou

    Anastasia Papachristou


    Very nice position, pretty good rooms, the spa is basic and the restaurant is a very good choice

  • Gilad Steinberger

    Gilad Steinberger


    Location is great, there is a parking at the hotel, we visited during October and prices were cheap. Rooms are very nice and big.

  • Velislava Kostova

    Velislava Kostova


    Great place, lovely staff, amazing atmosphere. Perfectly clean and beautiful. Would recommend!

  • Lina Scorza

    Lina Scorza


    We loved everything about the hotel - the junior suite is large, nicely furnished, perfectly clean, quiet. It had a balcony with a view of the mountains and everything we needed. The hotel has a spa area and sauna. No pool, but you can use the ones in Kempinsky accross the street for a reasonable charge. The hotel is in the nicest area of Bansko, close to the gondola. The restaurant is nice and room service very quick. Giving four stars because of the Internet, which was slow and often not available.

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