Hotel Grami i Bansko

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienHotel Grami


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6, ул. „Васил Друмев, 2770, Bansko, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 966 6584
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.8279762, Longitude: 23.4825955

kommentar 5

  • Lyubomira M

    Lyubomira M


    Nice small hotel, friendly hosts, good and fresh food. The best cherries in the back yard, can get from the three

  • Igor Jankovic

    Igor Jankovic


    Very nice family hotel. Manager and stuff of hotel are very useful and friendly. Comfortable and clean rooms. Food is delicious. Recommendations.

  • Er Nikonov

    Er Nikonov


    One of the worst hotels I've ever been. Stench from bathroom in rooms on the first floor. Stinky towels. Bad Internet connection. Rooms aren't soundproof. Sometimes there was no hot water, had to wait for an hour or take cold shower. Bad sink in shower cabin, water overflowed sometimes. Even very friendly and polite staff couldn't make me feel better.

  • Eyal Haiman

    Eyal Haiman


    Very friendly staff, made us breakfest on 3 am for the flight. The room was clean but sometimes there weren't warm water for shower, the warm pool was cold. The food is fine.

  • Aleksandar Lukic

    Aleksandar Lukic


    Really good hotel with nice cousine and staff that is always willing to help and cheer you up with smile! Everything is clean and neat, swimming pool has hot water during winter. Definitely a place to come again. Also, hotel has its own "free for guests" parking lot for at least 10 vehicles which is really nice considering there is parking problem in skiing season. Sauna and infrared bath are also free for guests of hotel. Nice summer terrace and proximity to main streets and gondola will pin this hotel on a tourist map for a long time.

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