Family Hotel Bisser i Банско

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BulgarienFamily Hotel Bisser



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16, El Tepe str, 2770 кв. Новия град, Банско, Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 878 1708
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Latitude: 41.8315022, Longitude: 23.4856783

kommentar 5

  • Alina Ciornei

    Alina Ciornei


    I'll try to summarize: - the entire establishment is extremely outdated so if you feel nostalgic over your youth summer camps sleeping in dorms,then you might find Bisser satisfactory - rooms don't look at all like in the picture: awful smell from the 30 year old and dirty moquette, everything looks dirty,old and uncomfortable -breakfast offered consists in omelette, tomatoes,cake and tea/coffee/water. Definitely not like advertised in the pictures where it seemed much richer. We booked a 4 nigh stay, moved to another accommodation after the first night. I'm afraid I cannot say I enjoyed anything in particular. Perhaps the commodity of having free shuttle bus between 8.00-10.30 towards the gondola and from 15.00 till 17.00 back from the gondola to the hotel. It's difficult to walk otherwise in ski boots 14 minutes to the gondola.

  • Nathalie TANQUEREUIL

    Nathalie TANQUEREUIL


    We really enjoy our stay in the Family Hotel Bisser. The family is so nice and helpful. They take care of us and the meals (breakfast and dinner) were delicious and so generous.

  • Stefan Donchev

    Stefan Donchev


    The owner is really cool and aways istryi g to help you.

  • Eran Pasternak

    Eran Pasternak


    indeed a family hotel with nice hospitality, a warm atmosphere and a hot sauna. The friendly staff supplied us with all the information we needed and let us check-out late. Room was basic but had everything you need if for a comfortable sleep and shower. breakfast was also basic but satisfying. We booked in under a deal so we don't know the exact prices but from what i see it's definitely cost-effective.

  • Matt Wright

    Matt Wright


    Have stayed here a few times. Family run and friendly. They have good good hot showers and sauna for after skiing. The whole place smells of wood burning fires which we liked but everything will smell when you get home. Radiators are always on full blast so you can have the balcony door open and still be warm. Beds could use new mattress. Breakfast was what's fun to see what you would get. Mini bus to and from ski lift but it's only 5 or 10 minutes walk.

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