Vlaykova Cinema i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienVlaykova Cinema


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11, Tsar Ivan Asen II St, 1124, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 89 222 6868
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Latitude: 42.69026, Longitude: 23.3405401

kommentar 5

  • Atanas Boikliev

    Atanas Boikliev


    A place for alternative cinema and amateur theater 🎭. The building is old and cozy the events are interesting and no Hollywood blockbusters. It is calm and perfect for glass good wine and nice company.

  • Elisaveta Tsvetkova

    Elisaveta Tsvetkova


    Should be renovated.

  • en

    Davor Boric


    Cinema is old, but peopla are nice. Good place to go and watch no mainstreem films. We were at International festival of Ethnographic film!

  • en

    lyubomir popov


    Great place, fantastic atmosphere. Would go every day

  • en

    lybo HUBENOV


    A great place where you can watch an old movie or interesting play or just see friends with a cup of coffee or a nice cocktail. I recommend it to people who like art, culture and lifestyle.

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