Mladejki Teatar Nikolay Binev i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienMladejki Teatar Nikolay Binev


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8, bulevard Kniaz Aleksandar Dondukov, 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 988 1753
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.6977312, Longitude: 23.3270731

kommentar 5

  • Цветелина Петкова

    Цветелина Петкова


    No air conditioning, awfully hot and unpleasant.

  • Наско Стаменов

    Наско Стаменов


    Usually you can find a play for every mood. All halls are on the small side, so you get up and personal with the actors.

  • iliana bachovska

    iliana bachovska


    Wonderful theatre! The performances for children are really good - tell the story very well, emphasize the wisdom in it, made with attention to what children like and find funny. Beautiful costumes and music.

  • Mihaela Dimitrova

    Mihaela Dimitrova


    Great atmosphere, friendly staff, the facility is well kept! We visited it for a family weekend theater "Alice in Wonderland" and I loved the actors took part! They managed to create absolutely the same feeling of chaos and uncertainty (of course in absolutely positive way) that the book brought when I have read it.My skn loved the play and he is impatient to go back again! The covid situation have been controled in a vreat way and everything was very well organized! We would deffinately visit again and even make it a tradition.

  • Todor Kostov

    Todor Kostov


    Went there to watch the "He's the devil" play. Everything was great! The entrance hall has this classy look and feel and the people working there were really polite and friendly! I will definitely go and visit it again!

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