Cinema House i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienCinema House


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37, улица Екзарх Йосиф, 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 980 7838
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Latitude: 42.7001991, Longitude: 23.3238237

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rossitsa Grozeva


    Probably one of the best selections in city of Sofia. Online tickets available. Nice and cosy bar area. A glass if vine accessible. Seats a bit obsolete. The sound system needs an upgrade.

  • Radostina Dobreva

    Radostina Dobreva


    Although still keeping the spirit of the socialist past, it is a very cosy place. Often used for promotions and events. The cafeteria in the lobby is quite nice and looks like a good place for a quick coffe prior to the film. Located in the very city center, therefore the visitors may have challenges with the parking before 19:30. All streets nearby are actually a green zone and you can easily pay by a text message. Giving 5 stars for the experience I had when watching the final of Stolen Life (Откраднат живот).

  • Vlad Krem

    Vlad Krem


    It brings me back 40 yrs ago. Totally communist style and atmosphere. Nice movies and friendly crowd

  • Мартин Христов

    Мартин Христов


    It was a great experience. You can watch all manner of films which are quite different than the superhero block buster movies. A breath of fresh air.

  • Henyer Sneyder Leal Vargas

    Henyer Sneyder Leal Vargas


    Gran lugar

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