Odeon Cinema, Cinemania i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienOdeon Cinema, Cinemania


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1, bulevard "Patriarh Evtimiy", 1142, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359
internet side: www.kinomania.bg
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.687965, Longitude: 23.3283667

kommentar 5

  • Teodora Doncheva

    Teodora Doncheva


    One of the very few places for real cinefiles in Sofia. This is one of the oldest functioning movie theaters in the city. Here you can watch movie classics and indie films. Film festivals often use Odeon Cinema to show their programs. After the renovation the seats in the salon (which is not very large) have good amphitheatre denivelation and a lot of space for the feet so as well as the good quality films you get comfort and pleasant atmosphere. Overall this is a great place for good intellectual entertainment.

  • en

    Kosta Dupcinov


    Great cinema, curved screen good angle of view and comfortable

  • Tsvetelina Doncheva

    Tsvetelina Doncheva


    A cool place for not too cool movies- not your average Hollywood blockbusters.

  • Симеон Здравчев

    Симеон Здравчев


    Really nice cinema. You can always find interesting movie here. :)

  • en

    P S


    A nice movie theatre on par with some of the best in Europe. Comfort chairs, upscale environment.

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