Arena - Sofia West i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienArena - Sofia West


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64, bulevard "Todor Alexandrov", 1309, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 812 7700
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.7050372, Longitude: 23.2899672

kommentar 5

  • Ognian Lipnichanski

    Ognian Lipnichanski


    Very good cinema. They have Lux theatre with Dolby Atmos, but no IMAX here. There is a lot of fast food stores, one restaurant and a kids party centre.

  • Dimitar Rozov

    Dimitar Rozov


    The greatest movie theatre in Sofia, great picture and sound Quality. Luxe hall is the best hall in Bulgaria

  • Марчела Миронова

    Марчела Миронова


    It's not that popular, 'cause people prefer the mall, so it is more comfortable when you seek less crowdy place. The movie theatre is better - has great sound.

  • Mila Tosheva

    Mila Tosheva


    Probably my favorite cinema in Sofia, simply because it is a pure cinema, without the noise from the shopping malls. The screen is high quality resolution and it is very clear and so is the sound. The chairs are very comfortable. The popcorn is tasty but like in any other cinema - overpriced.

  • en

    Nikolay Raikov


    This is the oldest Arena movie theater and there's certainly a good reason why it's still on. It offers many screens, good quality movies - mainly Hollywood but at the end of the day this is what the consumer wants the most. There's also a restaurant, fast food service and a playground area to enjoy yourself.

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