Aspen Resort i Bansko

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienAspen Resort


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Curnako Plot 5 2760, 2760 Bansko, Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 477 7788
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Latitude: 41.8578418, Longitude: 23.4117642

kommentar 5

  • Алексей Вишняков

    Алексей Вишняков


    Spa, swimming pools. Nice place

  • flink



    Service is awful and the manager is completely rude. We asked for the jacuzzi to be filled 24 hours in advance and they said yes, it will be filled by 10am tomorrow we waited until 3:30 the day after nothing. Then the manager just ignored us when we complained and spoke to us like dirt on his shoe. Would NOT recommend awful

  • Lyulina Gibinska

    Lyulina Gibinska


    Great value for money. Tidy and very spacious. Pillows were kind of thin, but everything else was great.

  • Kevin Digby

    Kevin Digby


    Very family friendly and tucked away in a nice quiet area not far from the ski resort. Great heated indoor pool for the kids in the colder months.

  • Ina Quiche

    Ina Quiche


    The service is simply not adequate - we were accommodated in a studio set right next to an awfully noisy elevator - a problem that later on we found out to be very well known to the hotel management, yet it hasn't been fixed. We were supposed to stay for three nights, booked directly with the hotel and the front desk staff kept on repeating they can't move us to another apartment. We were the ones providing solutions and alternatives, instead of the front desk manager, how is this professional? At then end, we were moved to another room, but more problems came - not enough sunbeds, people "reserving" them with towels for hours, but not using them; the food was the same all the days and housekeeping was non-existent. An experience straight from hell, definitely not recommended.

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