Victoria Palace в КК

БългарияVictoria Palace



🕗 работно време

Понеделникотворен 24 часа
Вторникотворен 24 часа
Срядаотворен 24 часа
Четвъртъкотворен 24 часа
Петъкотворен 24 часа
Съботаотворен 24 часа
Неделяотворен 24 часа
Слънчев Бряг BG, 8240 Slanchev Bryag, КК, Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 700 18 411
уеб сайт:
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.707004, Longitude: 27.724851

коментари 5

  • Michael Scaife

    Michael Scaife


    Good value for money

  • Vladimir Dimirev

    Vladimir Dimirev


    Excellent location just on the beach, nice interior and good service. The place you must-visit

  • pamela whelan

    pamela whelan


    Would not recommend here at all.its no where near a 5 star hotel.not once was our bed changed had to ask twice for fresh towels the room was filthy.we were all inclusive and the food was the most disgusting vile thing I'd ever seen.where the food was served was filthy we only tried a small bit which caused my mam food poisoning and ended up in hospital for 2 days.don't be fooled by the outside which looks fab its no where near fab.stay well clear

  • מאיר אדלן

    מאיר אדלן


    A cute hotel no more than a bad service cleaned us up the room in the morning and we returned in the evening after a trip to the galley that the cleaner had not left us towels I went down to ask for At 8 PM after 5 hours they still did not bring in and said there was nothing to do

  • Airidas Vaitekūnas

    Airidas Vaitekūnas


    This is my experience with this hotel. Benefits: -Close to the sea. -The room had air conditioning. Drawbacks: -The rooms are not well taken care of. Not all the sockets in the room worked. And those which did worked could be puled out very easily (when unplugging your charger). The towels were not changed periodically. None of the telephones in the room worked. No possibility to get in touch with the reception in case of an emergency. -In the dinning room. There was always a shortage of tables where to sit down. The lack of dishes forks and knifes. If you wanted to get a drink, well tough luck because there are no cups. Best case you will be drinking of a plastic cup. If you would like to eat outside. The tables will not cleaned and you need to do it your self. The food was okey at best. -At the bar. Same problem there. No glasses, you will be drinking of a plastic cup. They're using the cheapest alcohol. Advise don't over do it with cocktails because you can get alcohol poisoning very fast. -Elevators: The handlebars are not screwed down properly, If not knowing that you could get hurt. When coming down from higher floors. The elevator some times jammed between floors. Also you always needed to wait for it about 5-10 min to arrive to your floor. -Wifi: Non of our phones could connect to it. And it's only at by the reception .In the rooms it doesn't work. These are from the top of my head. There were more drawbacks but the main ones that got to me are those. I'd like to remind you that this is a 5 star hotel. Which means that this should be the highest level of service there is. But the lack of proper room care and management of this hotel is not worth that title.

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