Hotel Slavyanski в Sunny Beach

БългарияHotel Slavyanski


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Слънчев Бряг, 8240 Slanchev Bryag, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 55 426 937
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по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.7063363, Longitude: 27.7228832

коментари 5

  • Rachel Hornyák

    Rachel Hornyák


    In the summer I stayed there for 1week with my boyfriend, and his parents, everything was good. The prices and the workers too, the rooms was clean. Everything went smooth with them. Fine place to say.

  • Terence Wood

    Terence Wood


    The location of the hotel for the beach, cannot be faulted; the pool is quite smart and deck chairs are free. Very friendly staff, the restaurant breakfast I personally was not keen on, some areas of cleaning were not great; but passable. There are loads of small shops and stalls to keep you busy, the paved areas in some locations are dangerous so be carefully on this point!!; English breakfast is available in quite a few locations, but not at this hotel. On the hole for a first holiday abroad, I would say it was very enjoyable; and will recommend to friends.

  • Martina Burjanová

    Martina Burjanová


    Very good location, just at the promenade and the beach. Nice swimming pool, friendly and helpful receptionists. The hotel was clean. However there was too much music during breakfast in the small dining room and the TV screens constantly playing MTV in the restaurant should be turned off as well because the guests did not look like MTV fans. I would advise to pick up all trash around the hotel, particularly around the small dining room, we saw its growing quantity every day, no one was taking care of it. The dinners were nice but there was often a queue, the dinners should be better organized, the food should be better placed in the restaurant.

  • Andrei Dima

    Andrei Dima


    Is good but not everyone speaks English here... Breakfast is good I like.... They have only 2 plus one which is occupied.... Really close to the beach, but they don't change the towels only once every 3 days and very cheap towels. Bar staff (inside) excellent

  • Stephen Buckley

    Stephen Buckley


    Hotel is OK though not 3 star its on 1.5 or a 2 at the most not very clean needs updating staff brilliant the food not fit to feed pigs it is disgusting but will come back on a self catering it is a beautiful country

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