Hotel Avalon в Sunny Beach

БългарияHotel Avalon


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8240 Slanchev Bryag, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 55 422 575
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Latitude: 42.6838428, Longitude: 27.7047866

коментари 5

  • Adrian Butoi

    Adrian Butoi


    That's a hotel that literally lost a star! When we've made the reservations, Avalon was tagged a four stars hotel. When we arrived there, it was a three star hotel. On the top of the building, next to the big letters that formed "Avalon", you could actually see the remaining three stars and the empty spot where the fourth star used to be. It was taken down, probably following a recent inspection from the bulgarian tourism department. And they were absolutely right! The hotel is just a three star. Everything looks squeezed there to fit those tiny spaces. Small pool, small rooms, small bar and so on. Employees were ok, but some of them were a bit rude, behaving like they didn't really care about their jobs. Considering the recent loss of a star, I imagine they had their salaries reduced, thus making them a bit sour. And they hardly speak english, also. The restaurant was tidy, food was ok, but made from the cheapest ingredients. Not many options in their daily menu, also. Most clients had all inclusive tickets, but if you wanted a glass of wine you sometimes had to look for a waiter and ask him to start the wine dispenser, because it was, somehow, stopped. Very disencouraging, to say the least. At the bar near the pool, the situation was even worse. The bartender seemed determined to serve as little drinks as possible to the clients with all inclusive tickets. And I have to give him credit for something: he served me the smallest possible beer in the world! Around 70ml of beer, poured in a plastic cup, one of those coffee-type cups. And if you asked him for another drink, he was inviting you to first put some money in the big jar on the counter, labeled "tips". After all, Avalon wasn't such a bad experience. Also, it's fair to say that the employees at the restaurant were nice, helpful, friendly and smiled alot. Cheers!

  • Geroge Petkov

    Geroge Petkov


    There is a dispute going on between the owners of the biulding and a serving company that they have ended a contract with. This is causing guests unwanted hassle. There was no TV or Internet in the room even tho it was advertised. I believe the total summ was overpriced. I spoke with the owner an got a partial refund.

  • Phil K

    Phil K


    Very bad choice. Untasty and cold meals, poor choice of fruits, no juices at all (all inclusive package). The AC was not able to cool down the temperature in the room to reasonable level. Dirty ceiling in the bathroom after roof leak.

  • Pietro Podestà

    Pietro Podestà


    The location was fine, about 10 minutes away from the center of the "movida". The service was not quite as good, owner made us wait 30 for pick up at the bus station and then another 30 at the hall before taking us to a different room than the one we booked.

  • K T

    K T


    No go. Maybe if you go by all inclusive, but i dont think that would amaze me either. We stayed through a strange airbnb deal. The whole thing was fishy....

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