Хотел престиж сити 2 в Burgas

БългарияХотел престиж сити 2


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перла 8, 8180, Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 55 030 052
уеб сайт: prestige-city.com
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.2566791, Longitude: 27.7474458

коментари 5

  • Atanas Vladev

    Atanas Vladev


    Perfect location! Nice and well maintained beach just in front of the Hotel. Wide and spacious room. Positive stuff always smiling and cooperative. Huge swim pool with separate area for children.

  • Jolie Bell

    Jolie Bell


    This hotel is a disaster in every department from arrival till leaving. We wanted with my girlfriend to spend 4 days of vacation and enjoy the black sea, however, unfortunately ended up frustrated and disappointed from the whole experience residing at this hotel. The treatment of the personel especially the receptionist was very unfriendly, impolite and unprofessional. Our first disappointment was upon arrival at 1:30pm. Having already made our reservation 10 days before arriving, we expected to be able to get our room right away. However, the receptionist told us in an unfriendly way that we can only check in after 2pm according to hotel's regulations and said we should wait. We waited and asked the receptionist later at 2pm, but she said we should wait and didn't even suggest to inform us but told to ask her later. We waited and waited and saw how she were talking all the time on the phone and paying attention to us. 40 minutes later, feeling very tired and thirsty from our trip, we decided to interrupt her. She said then that our room is ready (we thought: unbelievable, why haven't you told us before so that we don't wait all this time?). She handed us the keys and said that's it without explaining anything about the hotel and its facilities. Second disappointment: No internet in the rooms as claimed online. We saw that there's a Wifi network available in our room named after the hotel and asked the receptionist about the password but she said 'this network doesn't work'. Logging into this network, it clearly works and requires a password which the receptionist for some reason didn't want to tell us. Third disappointment, the house keeping and hygiene was miserable. Sheets were never changed during our stay, the towels were dirty. The cleaning lady wiped our floor once but left it wet, full of sand and stinky. No one bothered to make our bed or clean the bathroom. Fourth disappointment, the bed is terrible. After one night we both woke up with strains and pain in the back. The pillows were extremely high and uncomfortable. We asked the receptionist for any other pillows, however she said that none are available in the hotel. We couldn't get any good sleep during our stay and felt very tired. Fifth disappointment, no sports or fitness or spa facilities at all despite being claimed online. On an evening, we saw 2 guys from the personel playing ping-pong in a room. Apparently, the personel is misusing the facilities. We also observed that the personel in the hotel and at the restaurant especially is so lazy and inefficient. The personel doesn't have any dress code and can't be distinguished from guests. Most of the time the personel will be standing or sitting doing nothing or smoking. These are our major disappointments, however the lists can go longer and longer with reasons to pick up another hotel than this.

  • Vasil Vasilev

    Vasil Vasilev


    Nice apartments nearby the sea side, you can find a nice offers in booking!

  • Miro Hoyrov

    Miro Hoyrov


    Good place for the price, nice location

  • yankovandCo Y

    yankovandCo Y


    Great hotel just off the beach which is one of the best on BG coastline, huge apartment, nice food and friendly staff. I would recommend it for families who are seeking quiet holiday. Will return next year

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