Royal Park в Elenite

БългарияRoyal Park



🕗 работно време

Понеделникотворен 24 часа
Вторникотворен 24 часа
Срядаотворен 24 часа
Четвъртъкотворен 24 часа
Петъкотворен 24 часа
Съботаотворен 24 часа
Неделяотворен 24 часа
Комплекс Елените, 8259 Elenite, Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 700 18 411
уеб сайт:
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.703262, Longitude: 27.811326

коментари 5

  • krzysztof buczek

    krzysztof buczek


    Not a 4 stars hotel. food awful, always the same dishes. Worst service I ve ever seen, people never smile. Rooms are ok . view nice on the sea. not enough workers at the bars.

  • Elena Laura Ștefan

    Elena Laura Ștefan


    The food is horrible, the elevator is broken all the time. The hotel itself is very old, not in a vintage-kinda cute way, I mean there are spider webs everywhere, the floors are stained, not to mention that it isn't even clean. But the beach was clean, kinda, and you get chairs for free. I had an amazing experience all in all because i was there with my friends, except that, i wouldn't recommend it. Don't get fooled by the photos you see online!

  • dror abramov

    dror abramov


    Hotel with great potential. Great location and comfortable approach to the sea...but...terrible maintenance ..rooms with furniture are falling is poor and with no taste..the reception staff is lacking any skills in service. Towels not allowed in the beach. No towels given in the pool thus you have to settle with the room towels for the whole day. All summer actives are shut down on Sep. 15 so do not ever go there after this

  • Tzvetelin Jonchev

    Tzvetelin Jonchev


    Awesome sea view but this is all positive thing. The personal enters the room without asking permission. Also most of it doesn't know Bulgarian and even English. The hotel it self is about to collapse. The food is a disaster. The guests are leaving their trash everywhere. Nobody cleaned the room for the entire stay. The free drinks are water with some color. The beach bar was closed even if the hotel was full of people, and the beach is all with stones. It was a great place once but not anymore. I defenetely will not go back there.

  • Adrianna Kubiak

    Adrianna Kubiak


    I do not recommend. This is not a good hotel. Food was very bad, under-cooked for example raw chicken, often there was no food to choose from, any fruit, no snacks. furniture in lobby and bathtub in the room was broken, so we had wet floor all the time and nobody was interested. The water in the pool is very cold because it is in the shade. Nice beach very close to the hotel is the only plus.

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