Selena Beach Hotel в Созопол

БългарияSelena Beach Hotel



🕗 работно време

Понеделникотворен 24 часа
Вторникотворен 24 часа
Срядаотворен 24 часа
Четвъртъкотворен 24 часа
Петъкотворен 24 часа
Съботаотворен 24 часа
Неделяотворен 24 часа
Boudjaka Area, str.Via Pontika 31, 0550 Буджака, Созопол, Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 88 788 1974
уеб сайт:
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.407692, Longitude: 27.706513

коментари 5

  • davay vasek

    davay vasek


    Stay away from this place! We booked 5 nights through the  Travelocity.  At the check-in, they did not have any rooms available for us while we booked a sea view room. We were sent to the hotel across the street, The Villa Orange.  This other hotel did not have an elevator but a leaking ceiling in the hall.  Our room was in the basement instead of the sea view  a block away from the sea  and to bring bags downstairs, it was such an experience! The night shift receptionist was very rude questioning our citizenship and the language we spoke.  Customer service at 0% level!  We did not feel safe at this place that caused us to leave the hotel at 1 a.m the very first night.  As for the original hotel from our reservation, Selena Beach Hotel, the manager was not available to solve the issue the first day. On the question when the manager will be available the next day, nobody could give us an exact time when we can speak to her/ him. We have plenty of photos to support this statement.

  • Eglute Egle

    Eglute Egle


    Great place to stay for vocation! Deliciuos food! Nice rooms!

  • Rowan Timewell

    Rowan Timewell


    We stayed here for 10 nights. With both breakfast and dinner included. Both were poor. Breakfast contained peculiar items like spaghetti bolegnese and omitted the usual items like croissants. Staff were not exactly rude but not friendly either. We were treated as though we were in their way all the time. Yet the bulgarian guests were given much greater hospitality. The room had a bad smell all week. We couldn't work out what it was or whether it was a problem with our room alone. Our rooms had 2 single beds put together instead of one double bed. Instead of one double duvet we had 2 (very small) single duvets. Pool was nice though with nice deck chairs around and parasols. Ruined by guests leaving their towels on deck chairs overnight to reserve them for the next day. Some days these towels remained on the deck chairs for the day with no use. I would give this place a lower score if it wasn't for the fact that our holiday here was so cheap and the surrounding restaurants a d street food was also so cheap.

  • Danielle Fishburn

    Danielle Fishburn


    Excellent food and good service.

  • joshua King 1889

    joshua King 1889


    Very unfriendly and unhelpful. The food is nice and not bad price but the service is shocking. We have stayed here in the past and they were horrible then, two years on still horrible now.

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