Predela 2 Aparthotel в Bansko

БългарияPredela 2 Aparthotel



🕗 работно време

Понеделникотворен 24 часа
Вторникотворен 24 часа
Срядаотворен 24 часа
Четвъртъкотворен 24 часа
Петъкотворен 24 часа
Съботаотворен 24 часа
Неделяотворен 24 часа
Gramadeto Straße, 2770, Bansko, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 89 221 9644
уеб сайт:
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 41.821388, Longitude: 23.477498

коментари 5

  • Boris Kochev

    Boris Kochev


    The rooms are not so new or clean as advertised but its a comfy and convenient hotel.

  • Vitor Rodrigues

    Vitor Rodrigues


    First impressions were good, till we went to the toilet in the room soon after arrival and the toilet wasn't cleaned! The pool and Jacuzzi are cold not even the kids wanted to be in it!! Asked to turn temperature up and they ignored us!! No housekeeping had to ask for toilet paper at reception, breakfast is awful no variety and staff are always grumpy!! Glasses with lipstick in the room on arrival and to top it up I got food poisoning on my last day (sunday) I had to travel 19hrs vomiting, stomach cramps and diarea very unpleasant!!

  • Ionut Ionita

    Ionut Ionita


    They tried to steal my friend’s Bluetooth speaker. On New Years party we had to pay 12 leva extra for 3 cokes and they took our speaker without saying. When we went asking for the speaker they said they don’t know where it is. After we threated them they suddenly found the speaker and after paying 12 leva they gave it to us

  • Ghidel Radu

    Ghidel Radu


    Thiefs. They wanted to steal our bluetooth speaker... we asked them several times if we forgot it, they denied, until the time we all went over them and threatened that we will come with police next. Fortunately we recovered it. Do not spend the new years eve here by any means. The food and the service is extremely bad, the staff is unpolite. Again, thiefs and mongrels, avoid this hotel. They were pretty strict about the program. As an example the SPA program was supposed to end at 21:00. Around 20:30 they would come agitated, close the steams and heating of the sauna, and move agitated around the place, so that we must leave.

  • Raluca Dita

    Raluca Dita


    Me and my friends spent 4 nights in this hotel for the new year holiday and overall, the experience was dissappointing. The breakfast was really poor and the staff did not bring clean plates when needed, also they didn't clean the tables. Before the New Year's party (in the hotel's restaurant), there was no hot water, so we had to wait until 9.30 p.m. for hot water in order to have a shower after ski and to get ready for the party...then, when we arrived to the party, a lot of food was already on the table, it didn't look fresh at all and the waiter was never there to clean the table. The most inacceptable moment was at the end of the party when the waiter tried to stole our bluetooth speaker we left on our table and when we came back for it, the staff said they didn't see any speaker, but when we threatened them that we will call the police, they gave us back the speaker! Even when we announced the manager about this event, we didn't receive at least an appologise back, as he didn't care...

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