Hotel Lion Bansko в Bansko

БългарияHotel Lion Bansko


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11, ulitsa "Georgi Nastev", 2770, Bansko, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 2 942 4488
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по-голяма карта
Latitude: 41.8252153, Longitude: 23.4830994

коментари 5

  • Scott Russell

    Scott Russell


    Two of us stayed here in March 2019 and it was great, we arrived late after landing at Sofia Airport at 7pm we never got to the hotel until 9:30pm, we left the UK at midday so were pretty hungry, dinner service had finished but upon check-in they said they would bring "lunch boxes" to our room which was a really nice extra they did not have to provide us with. Our room was on the corner and was massive, it had 3 radiators in the room and 1 in the bathroom which was great for drying snow clothes each night. The steam room & two sauna's are great after a day on the mountain. Great location, only a 5 minute walk in to town via a shortcut path (don't follow google maps, it takes you right down the road), near all the restaurants but far enough away to avoid the noise/traffic. The only thing I didn't find as good as another hotel I've stayed at in Bansko is the bar & the jacuzzi/hot tub. The bar did not have a lot of options and there was hardly ever anyone there to serve us, possibly because it was the end of season. The jacuzzi was freezing, the pool was actually warmer, apparently it is better to have a cold jacuzzi after skiing/boarding all day and to be fair I never had sore legs once all week but it would be nice if the jacuzzi downstairs by the sauna was open and warm for that warm option. The only other negative is the room doors aren't possible to close from the hallway without slamming them due to the lock so if people are going out early you're going to get woke up. I'd definitely stay here again, we've just booked up a group of 12 for next year but unfortunately there was only 3 rooms left at the Lion so we're going to the one next door, fingers crossed it's as good.

  • Ibrahim Murati

    Ibrahim Murati


    Food was good. Rooms are big enough for three people. Very clean rooms and new sheets/towels every day. The only problem for the missing star is the cold water on the jacuzzi. Worth fixing that.

  • Michal M

    Michal M


    The hotel is comfortable and clean, bathrooms are well kept and rooms are large and have large wardrobes. Breakfast and dinner offer a wide choice of food, including fresh vegetables, fruit, and juices as well as beer and wine. Spa with several different sauna rooms is a treat for a tired traveller. 2 things where I felt improvement is in order: lack of hot water in some evenings and also, a free ski equipment room for hotel guests, open till late evening, is really something one would expect from a ski resort hotel. Overall we had a very good vacation here :) thank you!

  • David Carasso

    David Carasso


    This hotel has room in size that are much above the standard in ski resorts. The beds in accordance are also very big, two double beds in a room. The washroom has huge bathtub, rails for heating and drying. It is not the closest to the lift, and there is a good ten minute walk with the skies and boots. Breakfast and dinner in the half board were very generous. The spa is less appealing.

  • J. Kay

    J. Kay


    Amazing Hotel, the facilities are super but the best is the food. Take a half board because the dinner is a 5 stars. Every night different dishes and made with the best quality 😍 a hotel on a holiday is a most, pay a bit more but get the best of all... the only thing I didn't like is the tv channels. Only about 12 and only 1 in English all the rest in Bulgarian. They need a bit of investment in satellite channels.

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