Park Hotel Plovdiv в Plovdiv

БългарияPark Hotel Plovdiv


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38, bulevard "Sankt Peterburg", 4000, Plovdiv, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 32 811 856
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по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.1367856, Longitude: 24.7701896

коментари 5

  • Yasen Deyanov

    Yasen Deyanov


    Very good 👌




    .the rooms are clean and comfortable.breakfast is nothing special.and the hotel is very expensive for plovdiv

  • Tom Allen

    Tom Allen


    Everything was fine. The room was clean. The staff were pleasant and helpful. The location did not work for me but that's my mistake. Breakfast was good. Many people were smoking in the restaurant at night despite being against the law.

  • O G H

    O G H


    It all depends on your standards but I've read a review saying that the hotel entrance gives you a feeling that it's quite luxurious or classy yet when you enter the room it's like an expensive motel look and I completrly agree with this description. They have minibar, which obviously makes noise at night because the refrigerator isn't properly covered with a wardrobe door or somwthing. The kettle in my room doesn't work. The matresses arent covered properly with a full matress cover. They are made of springs and they are not so comfortable. The bathroom is shawer and bathroom together, no door separation whatsoever, it reminded me to an asian bathroom. The breakfast buffet is absolutely awful, no good coffe or way to prepare it decently unless you pay for it. The hot "area" is always cold at 9am, everything is cold at that time. There's no microwave to at least heat the food... simply not nice at all!! Also the scrambled eggs serm to have cheese so be careful because there's no warning for lactose intolerant/alergic people. The restaurant, on the other hand, is quite good, variety of the dishes is wide, greek cuisine seems to fill the options in the menu. Grilled vegetables had the flavour of being made at a decent barbaqueue. The TV in the room are not HD, they also have almost no channel with English audio. Horrid.

  • Marilyn Kallaste

    Marilyn Kallaste


    Overall it was a good stay, it was clean & the staff was nice and helpful.We stayed in the White Junior Suite, it was a little small (for 2 adults & 3 kids) but not too bad. It's not in the center, but if you have a car it's a great location. It's only 5-10minutes from center and all the places to visit, in the front there is a karting place and a lovely park. The only thing I didn't like was the breakfast which was really poor, just a tiny corner with small choice. But still, I definitely recommend this hotel.

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