Hotel Imperial Plovdiv в Plovdiv

БългарияHotel Imperial Plovdiv



🕗 работно време

Понеделникотворен 24 часа
Вторникотворен 24 часа
Срядаотворен 24 часа
Четвъртъкотворен 24 часа
Петъкотворен 24 часа
Съботаотворен 24 часа
Неделяотворен 24 часа
6, ulitsa "Lev Tolstoy", 4017, Plovdiv, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 32 600 730
уеб сайт:
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.1446726, Longitude: 24.7680622

коментари 5

  • Atanas Atanasov

    Atanas Atanasov


    We had a team building event at this hotel. Confrence rooms were great as well as the restaurant and the areas around the hotel. The hotel is also at walking distance from the center and the old city so no need of car to visit best saigtseen in the city ;)

  • Kris Tashev

    Kris Tashev


    It is one of the best hotels in Plovdiv. Location is not so nice, you need a car to reach the downtown area but the place is great for corporate events and has great whiskey bar on the top floor.

  • Παναγιώτης Βλάχος

    Παναγιώτης Βλάχος


    Very warm atmosphere , friendly, clean, nice breakfast and dinner, bar, whiskey bar panorama, very good choice in Plovdiv

  • Mirela Nuta

    Mirela Nuta


    Very good hotel. Stayed for only one night and everything was exquisite. I had cookies in the room at arrival, complementary water and a very very clean room. In front of the hotel you have a very nice park and places to stay. Bussiness hotel, suitable for this kind of trips

  • Joana Tabet

    Joana Tabet


    Definitely do not recommend this hotel! Very poor quality for the high price! We stayed for two nights (weekend). The location is bad - far away from the city center, good restaurants and coffee shops and the other attractions, and we constantly had a problem calling a taxi and had to wait a lot for one. There is a free parking, so if you have a car it would not be such a big problem. The staff is lazy and not friendly or useful (when I asked for iron they wanted me to go to the lobby and take it by myself - didn't even happened to me in a 3-star hotel!). When we asked the staff in the reception to call us a taxi, they were chattering and reacted as we were interrupting them and when the taxi finally arrived, we had to go out and ask the driver if he is for our order, because those ladies just didn't care and continued their conversation. The whole hotel, including the floor, on which was our room, smelled terribly of cigarettes and the staff just kept apologizing and giving false promises that they will take care of the issue. The room was spacious but that is the only good thing, other than that it was very dark and not clean enough, the bathroom wasn't comfortable at all and also wasn't very clean (black long hair on the floor) and badly illuminated, as the room. The second night there was a company party on the last floor and we did not get to sleep, we wake up a couple of times, and the music was sо strong as the party is happening in the room just above us. No one one from the staff even cared and tried two avoid the discomfort for the rest of the guests.

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