Le Petit Nicolas i Bansko

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BulgarienLe Petit Nicolas



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19a, "Pirin" Str., 2770, Bansko, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 87 766 0306
internet side: lepetitnicolas.business.site
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.8348119, Longitude: 23.4863328

kommentar 5

  • Steve Brown

    Steve Brown


    Cozy little French inspired café. Fresh baguettes, croissants and pain au chocolates. Great service.

  • Ross Doak

    Ross Doak


    Without a doubt the best place cafe in Bansko. From a small but well dressed premises Le Petit Nicholas, provided excellent customer service and outstanding food. Delivering, each morning, great sandwiches that come individually wrapped to protect against a robust morning of skiing. The chocolate croissants are better than many I've had in France.

  • Nikki Monaghan

    Nikki Monaghan


    We had sandwiches delivered to our apartment every morning and take them up the mountain for our lunch. The rolls are freshly baked the previous evening and the fillings are tasty and plentiful. Also the chocolate croissants and incredible! This is a hidden gem and we have been going for years so would 100% recommend!

  • Ela Wróblewska

    Ela Wróblewska


    Probably the best sandwiches I've ever had. Always fresh ingredients and the food tastes great even the next day if you take it as a take away. Mind though that it's a small place with 3 tables, so be prepared for crowds queening to taste the deliciousness :)

  • J. T. Ivanov

    J. T. Ivanov


    This Bansko gem is the best breakfast and lunch place in the old town. The best soup I had in years. The desserts are one of a kind. Vegetarian and Vegan options are available. You can also pre-order here your Mountain Lunch Pack and have it delivered in the morning to your hotel conveniently (just before you leave for the mountain).

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