Obsession Bar i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienObsession Bar



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70, ulitsa "Tsaribrodska", 1712, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 89 854 5206
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 42.7034409, Longitude: 23.2999221

kommentar 5

  • Francesca Bacci

    Francesca Bacci


    Amazing cocktails and shisha!

  • Nedko Vutov

    Nedko Vutov


    Very nice

  • asaph aharoni

    asaph aharoni


    At first glance the place looks alright, but if you look deep in to it the place isn't very good. I went there with friends to smoke some shisha and get in to the pool (oh yeah there's a pool there) the shisha looked fine but tasted like smokin fire, no taste, and the pool was ice cold (the staff members said the pool was heated) after countless times we asked the staff to turn the hitting on we gave up, it's like they just didn't give a dam, the toilets are discussting, the hinges for the doors are broken and the only thing I recommend going for is the music and the air conditioning. I would really like to recommend this place but it's just not good. Pikachu.

  • Fèlix Vinent

    Fèlix Vinent


    It really has a swimmingpool, it's nice to stay with friends and have a good time. The music's not good at all but the waiters are nice.

  • Viktor Doychev

    Viktor Doychev


    Cool place for parties. However, the pool was full with pieces of glass and I cut my feet very badly.

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