Moda Bar Escape i Plovdiv

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BulgarienModa Bar Escape



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ulitsa "Vasil Levski", 4003, Plovdiv, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 32 968 902
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.1585659, Longitude: 24.7422609

kommentar 5

  • Devi Qose

    Devi Qose


    Nothing Special anymore, Drinks quality is poor and the price quite expensive. 1 star is too much , if i could minus 5 stars.

  • Adnan Senturk

    Adnan Senturk


    One of the best coffee places,evenings are even more attractive at this location. Highly recommended

  • Aneta Bates-Glover

    Aneta Bates-Glover


    Well, nothing special anymore. Every time I order a margarita I get a different variant depending on the individual behind the bar! Will not even touch the subject of allowing smoking on the premises. I can only survive two margaritas at a time before I head home smelling like an ashtray. Would consider one star but have never tried the food so will be fair in not awarding the lowest as they may surprise me next time, based solely on the food. Serving staff are not always pleasant or quick with simple requests.

  • preslav georgiev

    preslav georgiev


    Very disappointed from the service in that place. The witress had miserable face and attitude. If I could i would leave minus 5 stars!

  • Yordanka Yordanova

    Yordanka Yordanova


    Very nice place, good service, location and it's 1 min from casino Ritz 😁 🍀

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