Museum of the Ministry of Interior в Sofia

БългарияMuseum of the Ministry of Interior


почивен ден

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Неделяпочивен ден
30, ulitsa "Laveleye", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 2 982 3338
уеб сайт:
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6952961, Longitude: 23.3189374

коментари 5

  • Marina Shumkova

    Marina Shumkova


    I passed the museum building about a dozen times before entering and looking at its exhibits. An interesting place.

  • Gabotsa Art

    Gabotsa Art


    The museum is very interesting! The staff is very kind, caring and do your work properly! I encourage you to go, you will not regret it!

  • Luke Smith

    Luke Smith


    Wonderful history about the Bulgarian police service, dated back to the 19th century! With displays of uniforms, equipment, weapons, historic documents, etc. Sadly there is not much translated information but since the museum has only been open since November 2017 I am sure they is room for this to grow but don’t let this stop you from admiring the displays! :D the staff are super helpful and one kind lady went around every display with me helping to translate and explain the display and information! I hope to come back soon again! Thank you!

  • Alex Rozman

    Alex Rozman


    Museum of Bulgarian ministry of internal affairs. The museum of police and a little bit of espionage mostly during socialist era of the country. The museum is free and very interesting, but the curator don't speak English. Still interesting place to visit during your stay in Sofia.

  • Nikolay Peev

    Nikolay Peev


    The Ministry of Interior Museum is housed in an old building in the center of Sofia. The building of the Ministry of Interior Museum was built in 1912 by a project of arch. Secession-style Georgi Fingov. In 1976, the building was declared a cultural monument. The exposition briefly highlights the history of the Ministry of the Interior. The Museum's collection includes a collection of works of fine arts with a theme from the everyday life of the employees of the Ministry of Interior. Visitors can see documents and photos that reflect important events of the ministry's activities since its founding to this day, according to the press center of the department. The materials from the museum funds, related to the detection of criminal offenses and known perpetrators over the years, technical equipment and equipment used by the Ministry of the Interior in different periods, as well as samples of the Bulgarian police weapons (some of which are presented for the first time to the public) audience).

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