BB DENTAL CLINIC - клиника за дигитална имплантология и естетична стоматология в Sofia

БългарияBB DENTAL CLINIC - клиника за дигитална имплантология и естетична стоматология


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Неделяпочивен ден
32, ulitsa "Sredna Gora", 1303, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 98 897 0222
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по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.697625, Longitude: 23.310519

коментари 5

  • Nadya Dincheva

    Nadya Dincheva


    I was pleasantly surprised by the professionalism and personal approach of Dr. Bogomilov and Dr. Bozhinova. When it comes to booking an appointment, they are both quite flexible with their schedule. The dental clinic is located in the center of the city and the equipment is quite modern. I had a terrible toothache and Dr.Bozhinova squeezed me in her busy morning right away. Apart from the treatment of the wisdom tooth which I got, I had my fillings replaced and the results are great! I would highly recommend BB Dental!

  • Boyko Maslarski

    Boyko Maslarski


    Me and my wife are using the services of Dr. Bogomilov for the past 3 years and will continue to do so. During this time he have done a number of different procedures for both of us including: caries treatment, zirconia crown and bridge, veneers, teeth whitening and tartar removal. I can highly recommend him as a good and precise professional, who is using the latest technology and treating his patients well. I`m very satisfied with the quality of his work. In the past I was terrified when I had to go to a dentist, but now this is not a problem, since I know that there will be no pain and everything will go smoothly.

  • Bacho Bacho

    Bacho Bacho


    Since me and my wife started going to BB Dental and working with Dr. Bogomilov we can say that this is the best place for dental procedures. We strongly recommend the dental cabinet and the professional work of the dentists. Amazing atmosphere and personal attitude.

  • Jourgia Robinson

    Jourgia Robinson


    I recently had dental work done by Liubomir who was recommend to me by my father and I couldn’t recommend him highly enough. I had three fillings, a broken tooth bonded & my teeth fully cleaned and they look amazing. I’m normally very nervous at the dentist but I felt completely at ease and the procedures where pain free. The prices are much cheaper then the U.K. and I would highly advise anyone to get dental work with BB dental when visiting Sofia.

  • Alex Kost

    Alex Kost


    I highly recommend this Dental Clinic. Young people and an awesome team, I did not feel at the dentist's chair at all. I am thankful to Dr. Bozhinova for the extremely precise work. I have a terrific tooth that has struck me for nearly two years and only she has built it. Thank you !

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