Dr. Aleksandar Valev в Sofia

БългарияDr. Aleksandar Valev


почивен ден

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Съботапочивен ден
Неделяпочивен ден
84, bulevard "Aleksandar Stamboliyski", 1303, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 88 956 4552
уеб сайт: www.aleksandarvalev.com
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6989909, Longitude: 23.3085438

коментари 5

  • Kristian Kostov

    Kristian Kostov


    Dr. Valev is an exceptional professional. For me personally, he is one of the best surgeons - implantologists in Sofia (I have been through many others, some much praised before). There is always a solution and an idea of ​​how things can be done in the best way for the patient and at the best price. It impresses me that he looks at the problem globally - not just as an implant or a crown, but how to completely solve the problems for maximum effect. He works very cleanly and carefully and always explains the options. Uses the most modern and up-to-date technologies and equipment, including 3D. I highly recommend it, there are not many such professionals in Sofia.

  • Plamen Nikolov

    Plamen Nikolov


    I hesitated for a long time which dentist to go to to have a dental implant, in the end I chose the clinic of Dr. Alexander Valev and I do not regret my choice at all. I was very pleased with the attitude and the work done, it is done quickly and painlessly. I recommend the clinic to everyone!

  • Mariana Milanova

    Mariana Milanova


    Great team, very good communication and patient relations and high professionalism.

  • Kostadin Radkov

    Kostadin Radkov


    I'm afraid of dentists, but when things got tragic (understand broken teeth and painkillers hardly helped) I trusted others. Valev. That was many years ago and then it worked wonders to save, and build my teeth, and make me smile. Last month I was afraid to go again, of course to him again, everything was cleaned and the few caries removed for a few visits. Don't be surprised by busy schedules with weeks ahead, that's because it's worth it. I have recommended it to anyone who has asked and everyone is happy. When the time comes and I get scared, I will trust him again.

  • Venelin Venev

    Venelin Venev


    I have been a client of Dr. Valev's clinic for over 10 years. I have used their services for all stages of dental treatment - from cleaning tartar to implants. I have always received a super quality service. So much so that after the initial wonderful treatment, for several years now I have not had even the simplest small caries. I definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to take care of their health well and long-lasting.

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