The Mill Hotel-Restaurant i Nessebur

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BulgarienThe Mill Hotel-Restaurant



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1, ulitsa "Ljuben Karavelov", 8230, Nessebur, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 55 446 755
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.659527, Longitude: 27.724618

kommentar 5

  • Marina Jordanova

    Marina Jordanova


    We were a small group. All of the rooms should of been with sea view and paid for it. But our was with a Sidesea view and they didn't change it because there was no one with twin beds and sea view. Those things they need to say before. It is not a cheap hotel. Another thing that I totally didn't like is that the hotels allows smoking at the reception space?!? It is forbidden by law! Are they protected somehow? Also in some of our rooms there was a smell of cigarettes and no matter that they have changed it it had it again. Great views but law quality of service and management

  • Mal Boyle

    Mal Boyle


    Great location excellent staff can't fault it in any way




    My story is not about the hotel but the restaurant ! On 28.07.2018 we were at that place. To say that we were disappointed is to say nothing! By the way there were 6 of us,4 from Sweden , one a native and me- from Russia. We ordered 2 coffee, an orange fresh, some beverages , dinner... sorry for details but they are very important ! After 35 minutes we finally had one coffee, an orange juice and melted ice- cream. We asked for ice cubes but in vain. They didn’t bring them. The second coffee wasn’t given too. After 2 hours even no signs of the main course!!! We were furious and asked for a check! Again 20 minutes of waiting... when the waiter finally came we expressed all our regret of being there. When I told that the service was awful because we were Russian speaking clients, the answer was YES!!! I can’t even imagine that it is possible in a civilized country!!! I hope a lot of people will read this and make their own decision!!!

  • Sonja Pauker

    Sonja Pauker


    Vers fast Service. Cold drinks. Clean. Nice View and atmosphere. I like it.

  • Tihomir Tanev

    Tihomir Tanev


    Very nice place with really good food and wine selection! Staff ware friendly and take care for us during our dinner. *Note: We choose not so popular time and it was kinda empty. Actually it was raining and the taxi driver bring us there. Still it was pretty cool for random found restaurant. I am pretty sure we will go back there on next time we visit the city. Btw, i saw there is a parking spot behind ....

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