Stream Resort i Пампорово

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienStream Resort



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Dunevski Livadi Area, 4870 Пампорово, Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 763 7606
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.6568916, Longitude: 24.6861617

kommentar 5

  • NoLifeGaming



    Really good hotel with good restaurant and workers

  • Ivaylo Panterov

    Ivaylo Panterov


    Very bad restaurant service. Had to wait too long for a waiter to order. Food was not cooked well or was old. Lighting the fireplace in the restaurant is usually done while full of customers and making the space full of smoke and hard to breathe. Parking was overcrowded too. Spa was tooooo cold. Rooms are spacious but had quite too many flaws. No hair drier?! Generally, lower than average service!

  • ehab mohamed

    ehab mohamed


    The place is nice ,not far from Malina ski point. The hotel is providing a free transportation to the ski point. The hotel offer the Ski equipment rental for really good price . The stuff are nice and friendly.The SPA center is good. I have only comment about 2 points 1- the bed quilt and the towels have not been changed during the 4 nights. 2-The buffet food options for the dinner is not much like the breakfast

  • Valentin Radostinov Dinev

    Valentin Radostinov Dinev


    Very good idea for ski days with good people

  • Andrey Voev

    Andrey Voev


    As others said before, it's alright. The parking space is very limited (and we were there outside of the season), and there was an issue with the room cleanliness that we had to address, but otherwise it was ok.

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