Grand Monastery Apartments i Smolyan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienGrand Monastery Apartments



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Pamporovo, 4870 Pamporovo, Smolyan, Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 861 8020
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Latitude: 41.640741, Longitude: 24.689889

kommentar 5

  • Lazar Kackarovski

    Lazar Kackarovski


    Very nice. Right on the ski slopes (track 6).

  • Metodi Georgiev

    Metodi Georgiev


    Perfect location, right next to the slopes with an easy access through the hotel. Very clean and comfortable apartment.

  • ANDREI Herea

    ANDREI Herea


    Breakfast is quite cheap. Hotel personal is not so pleasant as I had expected. Parking places are small and always full. No ATM in the building. Many places around where you cannot pay with card so make sure you have cash on you. Another very bad thing is that hotel lobby and all the stairs up to 5th level and not warmed up, it's very cold and you have to dress-up all the time when moving inside the hotel. At the second level there is a large restaurant with Bulgarian traditional food, here the services are acceptable, the food is good and fresh here.

  • Ivelina Todorova

    Ivelina Todorova


    The property has a great location- right next to the slopes. It offers all you would need - restaurants, grocery store, spa center, etc. We stayed there for 4 nights but they didn’t change the towels even once. You can have breakfast either in the restaurant or in the tavern. I wouldn’t recommend the restaurant. We went there once and it was a great disappointment. The fried eggs were cold, there was one kind of sliced bread and the slices were too wide for the toaster 😄, the coffee was awful. The tavern offers much better food. All the meals we had were very delicious and the staff was great.

  • Achilleas Stergioulis

    Achilleas Stergioulis


    We had a really bad experience at the bowling with the staff. Firstly, there was a problem with our game so we waited midgame for the people next to us to finish their game so we can change. No problem with that. Problems happen. Two of the group left for 20 minutes while we waited to change. After we changed lane, we waited for 10 minutes for the two to return. And then a very angry staff member came to us and started shouting to us: "What are you doing right now? Tell me! Start playing or leave! There are people waiting to play! Play now or end it!" I find it very impolite and unprofessional how the staff member dealt with us and made us very unhappy with the establishment. I understand our part and I accept any wrong from us but the way we were treated was unacceptable.

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