Ресторант Манастирска Магерница i Sofia

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BulgarienРесторант Манастирска Магерница



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67, ulitsa "Han Asparuh", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 980 3883
internet side: www.magernitsa.com
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Latitude: 42.68935, Longitude: 23.324747

kommentar 5

  • Dušan Volf

    Dušan Volf


    Very nice restaurant in terms of interior, staff, service and food. The selection is wide and the dishes are really very tasty. You better have a reservation friday-sunday

  • Julita Vassileva

    Julita Vassileva


    Vwry nice ambience, food is good, but too many choices! The menu seems to be a full cookbook ("Monastery cuisine" by D.Mantov). The service is good despite the place getting pretty crowded in the evening.

  • Beatrice Bini

    Beatrice Bini


    very typical place and cuisine, the restaurant is very beautiful and the food is delicious. it's expensive compared to the average prices in Bulgaria but the portions are generally very big. It's always very busy so it's better to book in advance. I've been there 4 times and the staff is... mhe. So I hope you'll meet the nice waiters/waitresses. Also, you will have to wait a lot for the food to come. Sometimes, on very busy nights, there is a group of singers that goes around the tables :)

  • Joana Dimitrova

    Joana Dimitrova


    A very overpriced place with bad service and low quality food. I had dirt in my salad.

  • Simon Finnegan

    Simon Finnegan


    This is an excellent restaurant if you are looking for traditional Bulgarian cuisine (don't listen to the 1 starrers). I was with a group of 10 people from all over Europe and one Bulgarian - and we were all treated exceptionally well. The staff are very friendly and attentive. The atmosphere is wonderful with the opportunity to hear live Bulgarian music (and dancing) at your table. It has a cute, homely feel to the place which makes you feel as if you are somewhere authentic and fascinating. And the food is pretty good too. As in all Bulgarian restaurants, the menu is extensive, but all of our group were delighted with their dishes. Very enjoyable and a great experience.

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