La Casa Latina i Sofia

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BulgarienLa Casa Latina



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40, ulitsa "William Gladstone", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 87 999 9741
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Latitude: 42.6913497, Longitude: 23.3204859

kommentar 5

  • Sasha Sampaio

    Sasha Sampaio


    Restaurant was empty when I went for a late lunch, as in not one other customer. I sat at a four top outside which the waiter said was reserved. It was very obviously not reserved, but I stayed anyway and sat at the specified two top outside. The chairs were uncomfortable and falling apart. I ordered the Mexican chicken - it was edible but not great - more like fajita or taco seasoning mixed into beans, corn (looked canned), chicken, onions and peppers. It was served with no tortillas. How can you have a "Latin" restaurant without tortillas? I will not be back.

  • Boris Traykov

    Boris Traykov


    Food was average, price was high and service was slow. Bathroom had no soap and paper towels.

  • Galin Georgiev

    Galin Georgiev


    I expected to see much more dishes from Latin America in the menu. No Spanish or Latinamerican beer whatsoever. Nice atmosphere.

  • Radi Sadek

    Radi Sadek


    Extremely deceived by this restaurant. Way over-priced. Way way over-priced for the quality you get: - staff dressed in casual clothes. - servers too friendly, unprofessional, on the limit of being annoying. - no paellas! how can there be no paellas on a Thursday night in a spanish-latin whatever-the-hell-it-is restaurant? - enchiladas for 10 levas looked like an appetizer. How can you justify this? - Paid 40 levas for two, and ended up going to Smugglers for a very nice burger and a more pleasant atmosphere. But the worst thing was the annoying waiter. We had rarely seen such an pathetic waiter. One of the worst restaurants in Sofia.

  • Rada Boneva

    Rada Boneva


    Delicious food. There are some live music nights out there but havent been to any..yet. Would come back soon! Although im not into meat and seafood dishesh, there are some veg options tho.

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