Ред бед енд брекфаст в Sofia

БългарияРед бед енд брекфаст


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15, ulitsa "Lyuben Karavelov", 1142, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 88 922 6822
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6875636, Longitude: 23.3304033

коментари 5

  • Lucy Calcifer

    Lucy Calcifer


    It was november and they dont give us any blankets at all . I slept with my jacket at the bed and the reception man told us they have no blankets and refuse to talk to me when i insist to give us something to cover or change the broken heater and begin to scream at me then my boyrined heared us and came and the reception man left reception and told us that he dont work here ... in the morning i was alredy sick there was no breakfast at all . The sheets were not clean and there was withe hairs on our bed . I called the manager and the next day they give us blankets and she told us the reception man lied us

  • Alex Boldyrev

    Alex Boldyrev


    Best for this price. Not perfect but very friendly and cozy

  • Ryan Kanagaratnam

    Ryan Kanagaratnam


    Great place. Feels like home. Comfy rooms and shared bathroom was clean. I would stay again. Little bit loud since there is a bar nearby though.

  • Rick Five

    Rick Five


    I stayed for three nights and found it a unique experience. Not for the person wanting the JW Marriott experience, but if you're exploring Sofia and want to feel like you're part of the culture, it's great. Sibylla, the proprietor, was patient and friendly. The bed was surprisingly comfortable and I slept like a rock each night: no street noise where I was. The shared bathroom was fine, good water pressure and toiletries, good towels. The other party staying was considerate and quiet, a nice Spanish woman. I ate at a few nearby places and the little sandwich shop down and around the corner, where you get breakfast, was outstanding. The location is good, in a safe neighborhood and I walked everywhere. I can see how it might not be a good fit for people wanting a traditional hotel experience, but I really liked it. I'll stay again!

  • Hannah Dadds

    Hannah Dadds


    This is a really fabulous and quirky place to stay. We were fortunate enough to have the whole apartment to ourselves. The "staff" downstairs are a bit hit and miss, but I don't think they actually work for the guest house. The lady we met who seemed to be in charge of guest house was very friendly. Free use of washing machine also!

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