Park-Museum Vrana i Sofia

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BulgarienPark-Museum Vrana



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381, булевард „Цариградско шосе“, 1138, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 963 4566
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.6400745, Longitude: 23.4323187

kommentar 5

  • arch Microbe

    arch Microbe


    The summer residence of the Third Bulgarian monarchy. The palace itself and related buildings are not open to the public itself due to conservation work, but are accessible. The hourly tours included in the ticket price, take place around the gardens and the guide tells the long history of the complex itself and the various noteworthy fauna housed there.

  • Teodora Doncheva

    Teodora Doncheva


    Very beautiful and peaceful place, great for slow walks. The park is full of big old trees, the landscape is very picturesque. There is an amazing orangery with huge plants in it. Unfortunately the residence itself is closed and doesn't seem to be very well tended. For some reason the main entrance from Tzarigradsko shose is not in use, so there is the inconvenience of driving around to enter from a bit difficult to find side entrance. Another small inconvenience was that there are lots of mosquitoes in the warm seasons, so I recommend for people to carry a repellent.

  • Yoo Velinova

    Yoo Velinova


    My parents and I regret paying the money for the entrance (15 lv/adult if I'm not mistaking). First off, it was hard to find the entrance if you were going there by public transport - the bus stops were confusing, but you also had to walk a good distance further to get to the actual parking and entrance. The park is nice, but nothing extraordinary, seeing as it was in a pretty bad state - it's obvious they don't put much effort into maintenance. The building itself was also unkept. All in all bad experience. We could've seen just as beautiful of a park without having to pay that money.

  • ani romanova

    ani romanova


    That place is amazing. It has magical view. Our visit was very fun also thanks to Mario the guide :)

  • Милен Стефанов

    Милен Стефанов


    It was very nice and beautiful. A piece of Bulgarian history and nature. If you visit, don't miss the free guided tour - the guys are very good with a lot of knowledge for the gardens and the history of the palace.

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