Crystal Garden i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienCrystal Garden



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1000 Sofia Center, Sofia, Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 491 8344
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.6945361, Longitude: 23.3296379

kommentar 5

  • Janeta Sevova

    Janeta Sevova


    Good place for night walks. People meet here, drink beer. They sit everywhere, on the ground, on the benches. Here you can find bars too.

  • Milko Marinov

    Milko Marinov


    Pretty bummy place. Lots of people, no place to sit, busy streets all around with cars. Only thing that makes it good is alcohol and the company you come with.

  • en

    ivo nikov


    Best place to have a beer, not the bar the green space next to it

  • en

    Konstantin Doychev


    Its a great place to have a beer with friends in the summer if you want to stay outside. You can also meet new people easily.

  • Jelyazko Jelyazkov

    Jelyazko Jelyazkov


    Perfect place to come together with friends before hitting the club Or nice place in the summer to drink beer with friends in the summer night's. One of the best things is if you love to ride a bicycle there is gathering of I fixed gear cycling crowd. The best think is everything is near.

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