Nature Conservation Center Poda i Burgas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienNature Conservation Center Poda



🕗 åbningstider

E87, 8002, Burgas, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 87 825 2722
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.4440325, Longitude: 27.4666902

kommentar 5

  • Christopher Day

    Christopher Day


    Always a pleasure to visit!

  • Ivaylo Tonev

    Ivaylo Tonev


    Great place if you like birds.

  • עמנואל זיטנר

    עמנואל זיטנר


    If you like birds and nature this is the place to be. Also great guy at the reception, he helped us pointing at the birds, their name and how many he count. Great experience

  • stefan halmel

    stefan halmel


    Well, we had a very pleasent and interesting stay at PODA. Very warm welcome, very competent introduction by the staff, high-quality binoculars. It definitely was worth the time (Sunday in September, 16:00-17:30 hours) and the effort going there (pathway from an back to the nearby bus station definitely needs improvement). Our reccommendation: (1) best go there right in the morning 09:00 hours (2) best go there by rental car or organized tour. (3) If going there by public bus be prepared: in direction towards Burgas you need to walk some 100m directly along the 2+2-lane highway. In direction towards Sozopol you need to cross the highway. This is absolutely dangerous in road level. What you can do: walking back in direction Burgas towards the river (there is a rough road off the highway); when facing the bridge (and across the highway the entrance sign) look out for a well hidden small path 30m leading down to the shallow river and the base of the bridge. You will find a concrete path 1m wide but no railing. This will allow you to come to the other side of the highway and the unpaved road to the entrance save and sound.

  • Boyan Petkov

    Boyan Petkov


    Very friendly staff. The hosts speak fluently Russian, German, and English. The unit has also in-house learning games for kids.

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