Bulair i Burgas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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7, ulitsa "Bulair", 8000, Burgas, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 56 844 389
internet side: hotelbulair.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.49145, Longitude: 27.476624

kommentar 5

  • Alex GOD

    Alex GOD


    Good place for winter time

  • Ahmed ElAttar

    Ahmed ElAttar


    Very friendly staff, avarage rooms but good value for money

  • Mehmet Zafer Kasapoğlu

    Mehmet Zafer Kasapoğlu


    + The location of the hotel is very close to the center, the rooms are spacious and convenient, the staff is good and helpful, the heating system is adequate, breakfast is adequate and satisfying - There is insufficient electric plug, swatter must be mounted on the window against mosquitoes. usage of glass screens will be better instead ofshower curtain. parking capacity is limited up to 7 vehicles, the weekend can not be found the free place. at the breakfast only first drink is included in room price. it should be at least 2 drinks free.

  • Kathryn Larkin

    Kathryn Larkin


    The reception services v.very good so helpful and hotel clean price good too going back again x

  • Jana Channa

    Jana Channa


    Lovely staff, great rooms, very happy with the stay here for 3 nights. I was fasting and they allowed me to take breakfast to my room to eat late in the evening and return cutlery the following day. Sadly the restaurant is only open till 3pm so we couldn't dine here (as our fasts open after 8:30pm) but pretty sure we could have ordered and brought up or ordered take out. Beds are comfortable, AC seemed to have only cool air blowing when we turned it on no matter what we did... But it wasn't cool enough.. felt more like an upward fan. Tv was decent, but being in Bulgaria non of the interesting channels were the English (nothing to blame with the hotel, it's just the way it is.) Everything is nearby, within a 5 minute walk, centre, beach, sea garden (more like 10-15 min walk to get to the center Of it) and what's perfect it's right next to the central bus station. Travels I mainly walked but buses are nearby too as we are on the main road

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