Mistral i Balchik

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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8B,Primorska street, 9600 Tsentar, Balchik, Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 57 971 130
internet side: hotelmistralbg.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.4054292, Longitude: 28.1613554

kommentar 5

  • Santamarean Grigore

    Santamarean Grigore


    Great place, great food and good prices. They speak romanian and english.

  • Salim Iusein

    Salim Iusein


    We had only breakfast once at Mistral. Pro - tasty french toast Cons - we have seen lots of ants in the cereals and around buffet - cold cuts were tasteless - no fruits available

  • Denis Iliev

    Denis Iliev


    Great place for a late night drink, even when all others are already asleep.

  • Marius N

    Marius N


    I tested only the restaurant, and I wouldn't recommend it unless you have no other option. Pizza came overburnt, steak was beyond well done... seems that the cook could not appreciate the time to keep them in the oven. I gave a 2 star because the waiter was nice.

  • Moise Laura

    Moise Laura


    These hotel is beautiful, not only through its interior and exterior design, but also through the amazing people that work there. The are opened to answer any questions and I think the manager- a great person is the one who teach them, by his example, how to be not only a good receptionist or a good barman, for example, but he shows them how to be a good human being and that means a lot. On a summary, a great place, with great views!

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