Hotel Gradina i Varna

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BulgarienHotel Gradina



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9007 Golden Sands, Varna, Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 52 355 589
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.276314, Longitude: 28.03889

kommentar 5

  • Natalia Parol

    Natalia Parol


    Really nice place! Very high standard even it's 3* hotel! Very tasty food and various dishes. Rooms comfortable and always clean.

  • Dessislava Ilieva

    Dessislava Ilieva


    Very nice rooms, polite staff. The elevator starts from the 4 floor, the first four you must claim . Small pool.

  • Tim Tonchev

    Tim Tonchev


    I enjoyed my stay here. Rooms have everything you need. Staff is good. Special thanks to Galin for giving us directions to a local attraction. Food is decent, quite authentic. Could add some more fruits to the menu. You can walk to the beach quite easily and you go through the local restaurants. The pool is small but somehow fits the place. Overall the hotel is what my mom and I expected.

  • youthinkthisgame thisnotisgame

    youthinkthisgame thisnotisgame


    Like very much this hotel the green trees near our balcony the stuff very friendly i ll come here for holiday next year

  • Sergiu Turcanu

    Sergiu Turcanu


    Solid 3-star hotel with good meals, friendly staff, clean spaces, large rooms and adequate maintainance. They have a large green grass area and small garden area, a playground for kids, a playing room, small outdoor pool for adults and even smaller one for children. The location is great, but it's still about 6-7 minutes walk to the beach or main shopping area. All-in-all a great budget family hotel.

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