Mehana Mamin Kolyo в Sofia

БългарияMehana Mamin Kolyo


почивен ден

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40, ulitsa "Pozitano", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 2 471 6577
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по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.69678, Longitude: 23.31561

коментари 5

  • Tony Gil

    Tony Gil


    This place looks really cool from the outside and the inside. It is beautifully coloured, and decorated. I don't really know how typical Bulgarian restaurants look, but I believe this must be close to what it looks like. The dishes looked way better on the pics the people on these reviews used to update, so I guess they degradated the ammount of food they serve. Besides that, the taste was alright, but nothing I hadn't tried earlier. The worst thing is the waiters. They do not speak English and are extremely rude. They would always be looking at us with disgust and disregard, as if they were doing us a favor just by serving us. It was encouraging, we did not feel welcome at all. We would not come back. All in all, nice decoration, good food but horrible attention by the waiters.

  • Hoang Nguyen

    Hoang Nguyen


    As an American who was perusing down the main streets just filled with McDonalds and cafes, this place was the most authentic food we've had in Bulgaria. In just traveling with one other person, we thought the connoisseurs board was a light charcuterie but it was a kings feast of meats fit for a full family. It was literally like someone's grandmother in the kitchen whipping it up. Would def come again. It was fantastic. We had to take so much of our food home. Come hungry!

  • Damien Mc Sweeney

    Damien Mc Sweeney


    Great atmosphere, Outstanding food, friendly staff... Highly recommended

  • Boyana Ruseva

    Boyana Ruseva


    I will never go to this place again. The service is awful. We went at 22 o'clock to eat, because their working hours are to 24 o'clock. The waitress looked at us in astonishment, and said: "You will eat at 22 o'clock? You will have to order something very quickly". Within 2 minutes she came 3 times to invite us to order. You understand that we can't read the menu so quickly and make a choice, if she didn't leave us alone. The third time she did not leave and wanted us to order immediately. I told her she was putting us under pressure this way and we needed more time. It made us feel guilty that we went to eat at 22 o'clock, given that they close at 24. After we ordered, the waitress brought me a dirty plate, which she later changed, because she saw me refusing to eat in it. We waited half an hour for them to bring the two plates of food. We were sitting by the front door and I had to stay with my jacket because they didn't close it. Finally, at 23:20 o'clock , 40 minutes before the end of working hours, while I was still eating and drinking, they started turning off the lights and wanted to close. They just knocked us out of there. They ruined the evening of our anniversary!

  • nintendocatt



    It was ok

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