Cactus в Sofia



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14, ulitsa "Solunska", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 2 986 7431
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по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6928345, Longitude: 23.3211782

коментари 5

  • Alev B.

    Alev B.


    Devil is in the details!!! Unfortunately Bulgarians are very sloppy in that. The food, the service, the options in the menu, even the hygiene in the bathrooms..all so average. Expectations definitely not met. The duck magret was dry and chewy, the shrimps were super salty and the desserts- absolutely tasteless. Totally not worth the calories. Coffee tasted gross- cheap brand. Kind reminder to the Chef, It's a great skill making mostly non-sense comments on a food show, but being actually able to prepare a good dish requires knowledge, attitude and attention to detail. Thank you for the stomachache!

  • Inna Stamatov

    Inna Stamatov


    We visited the restaurant at around 5 pm when there were hardly any people - cause we wanted some peace and quiet. And we got it, which was good. The food was okay - nothing that fancy, but still delicious. The service was very slow though. We waited for around 20 minutes after the salad to have the main, even though everything was ordered at the same time and we did not ask for a delay for the meals. The toilets smelled awfully and did not look very clean. I had a feeling I am in an old train's toilet that has been used by hundreds of people in that day. But food was okay. And place looked nice.

  • Nikola Petrov

    Nikola Petrov


    I've never been to the restaurant, only ordered a takeout. Similarly to other people that commented, I was expecting more given the popularity of the chef/owner. The food was nice overall. They added cream to the Carbonara, which apparently is specified in their menu, but not on the takeout site.

  • Viktor Aleksiev l

    Viktor Aleksiev l


    Excellent service and quality food. Everything we tried was really delicious. Definitely will visit again.The server were very nice,polite and professional. Definitely recommended.

  • Tedda Saur

    Tedda Saur


    Great service, timely food prep, fantastic atmosphere - perfect for a hot summer day. Highly recommend! The food presentation is amazing as well.

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