Mate Krachme Sam Doydoh в Sofia

БългарияMate Krachme Sam Doydoh


почивен ден

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Неделяпочивен ден
Sofia, tsar Samuil St 73, 1000 Sofia Center, Sofia, Bułgaria
контакти телефон: +359 2 418 1619
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6969667, Longitude: 23.3176456

коментари 5

  • Melisa Minca

    Melisa Minca


    Smoker friendly, cute doggo, beše vkusno! 💛💛💛

  • Gianluca Di Bacco

    Gianluca Di Bacco


    Sembra di entrare in un locale di 40 anni fa. Vedendolo da fuori, non ci entreresti mai. L'atmosfera che si crea dalle persone che fumano dentro è fantastica. I piatti sono molto buoni e casarecci. I prezzi non sono alti e conviene prendere più portate. Il locale è pieno di vecchi, il che indica che si mangia bene e si beve meglio.

  • Assen Natchev

    Assen Natchev


    I know this place since its opening in the early 90ties. It has not changed a lot for these more than 25 years. It keeps the spirit of the old times. It has always been cozy, extremely cheap with wonderful kitchen and delicious meals. There are several art artefacts there, but you can ask the owner for their stories. He is the long bearded man, who usually is sitting on the table, which is left beside the entrance door. I have seen so many romantic moments there! A man waiting for a lady with rose in his hands playing love songs on a guitar meanwhile is just one of them :). It has jazz jam sessions every Thursday and you can see really prominent Bulgarian musicians playing there. But be sure to make an reservation for these events early before, as there are only around 22 places inside and they are gone till Tuesday. It is one of the last genuine Bulgarian pubs in Sofia, which already are almost vanished! Visit it before this one is gone too! Not suitable for people, who has no respect for old and historical places!!!

  • Yakim Petrov

    Yakim Petrov


    Yes-I do!Take me there anytime! It is old,ruggish,tiny,more like the 60's coffee shop with small tables and pictures hanging from the wall.But it's a restaurant with amazing kitchen and really low prises.The old outcast dissident intellectuals are still there telling storeys of the past.You can recognise them from the portraits on the wall.Great,great place-I recommend strongly!

  • Alejandro López

    Alejandro López


    Increíble sitio... Parece que estás en una casa en lugar de un restaurante. La dueña, pese a entender poco inglés, es muy amable y te ayuda. La carta NO está en inglés, con lo cual imaginad mi cara al verla, pero nada que las nuevas tecnologías no solucionen. Recomendado!!

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