Made in Blue в Sofia

БългарияMade in Blue


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6, ulitsa "Yuri Venelin", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 89 857 9999
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по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6900834, Longitude: 23.3292696

коментари 5

  • Vyara Tsvetkova

    Vyara Tsvetkova


    Amazing food! The restaurant changes its menu very often so there is a choice for the frequent visitors. The location is great in the centre of Sofia and it has cozy garden to eat outside in the summer time. Recommend!

  • Felicia Aldrin

    Felicia Aldrin


    Amazing food and staff!! The lamb soup was the top pick, so rich and nice! We managed to get a table in the garden for lunch, perfect! We tried to go there the night before, but since it's very popular we didn't manage to get a table, so might be a good idea to reserve a table. But I'm very glad we went back for lunch, a must visit when in Sofia! Also, I read some other reviews complaining about the prices, but I feel the prices are reasonable and not too expensive.

  • Georgi Petrov

    Georgi Petrov


    Very original and authentic place. The food was absolutely gorgeous in taste and was perfectly balanced in both the display and flavour. The restaurant is very well placed and there is both a garden and a "in house"part. I liked it very much. The prices are rather expensive but worth it. Must visit when in Sofia!

  • en

    Viktor Doychinov


    This one gets my full five stars! I've been there only ones so it could be by chance but everything was great ... perfect. Perfect location, incredibly tasteful interior with a lot of attention to every detail, perfect service very well suits and compliments the place and finally the most important delicious food. A good variety of interesting different meals nothing form the mainstream menus. We were 6 people on the table and I literally tested each and every dish ... all were great! If you wish to eat something great in a cozy home-like atmosphere definitely make a reservation here

  • HS



    Hands down the best meal we had during our trip to Sofia! The space is amazing, and each room offers a different vibe. We felt somewhat secluded in our room and were able to feel at home! The food matched the space itself, and was absolutely delicious! I can say too, that the ribs were some of the better I've ever had - sorry America! I will be dreaming of this meal for at least the next few weeks.

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