Hotel Vesta i Montana

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienHotel Vesta


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10, ulitsa "Tzar Samuil", 3400, Montana, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 96 305 720
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.40866, Longitude: 23.2196

kommentar 5

  • Charlie den Dulk

    Charlie den Dulk


    Very good hotel. Great service. Kind owners. Very friendly. The area is great and the view overlooking the city lake is fenominal.

  • Teodor Dan Hubar

    Teodor Dan Hubar


    I like verry much.i will be back with pleasure.

  • R Bradley

    R Bradley


    Rooms are comfortable but WiFi is rubbish on 3rd floor, I couldn't finish my chicken as the sauce was too creamy.

  • Georgi Ivanov

    Georgi Ivanov


    Small nice hotel with very good location next to a park with an artificial lake. They have not bad restaurant with a good kitchen, relatively fast execution of the orders and polite staff. In warm and sunny days you can sit in the small garden beyond the restaurant. In front of the small hotel is the Montanenzium park with a lake (you can feed the fish and see it playing), several playgrounds and alleys very good for walking and jogging as well as just to sit and enjoy the weather and the park.

  • Philip Asénström

    Philip Asénström


    Love this hotel! Top service, really nice restaurant, great food, great rooms, location is perfect. De will absolutely come back to Montana and to Hotel Vesta!

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