Hotel Skalite i Belogradchik

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienHotel Skalite


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Belogradchik, Hadji Dimitar St 1, 3900 Tsentar, Belogradchik, Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 451 4154
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.6247995, Longitude: 22.6871324

kommentar 5

  • Ines Todorova

    Ines Todorova


    The only good thing is the location.Breakfast was very poor, swimming pool was cold and we could not use it. Water was dirty. For the restaurant-higher prices for this region.For a hotel with 4 stars- not ok

  • daniel aleksandrov

    daniel aleksandrov


    Need improvemnt in the kitchen but ok

  • Niki Stoqnov

    Niki Stoqnov


    This place if awful even one star is too much More like a end of the road motel The floor smell's like tobacco the stuff is acting like retarded the rooms are absolutely disgusting. The breakfast is also disgusting you can see only old dry products from around week ago. If you are under the impression to come here you are wrong DON'T DO THIS TO YOUR SELF AND YOUR CLOSE ONES.

  • Mitko Radulov

    Mitko Radulov


    its nice and quiet but there is not diner in the restaurant 🙂🙂🙂

  • Lucy Lazarova

    Lucy Lazarova


    It was amazing to be in this hotel. And I hope the people in Belogratchik liked Mamma Mia

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